Someday they’ll come

This is a song I heard today, on memorial day for all schools*. I just loved it. Not only does it have very true, sad and touching lyrics. But I also first heard it sung by Nektaria, one of my schoolmates. Nektaria has the most beautiful and full-of-soul voice (I believe she will be really big someday). Listening to her always makes my whole body shiver – but this song was even more special! I liked her version much much more than the mans voice in the video (though it’s nice too), but sadly I can’t share it with you…

*I should probably tell you what this day is: on November 17th in 1973, we celebrate the demonstration of the Politexnio, a very prestigious university in Athens. It was drowned in blood, but I admit (I say admit, because usually I believe that the Greeks overdo it with their supposed heroism in past times) it was a remarkable thing to do against the dictatorship that they had back then.

Imagine thousands of people gathering on the streets, singing, shouting, protessting peacefully, while the air is thick with smoke and poisonous gassses. As hard as I try, as hard as I wish I could, I am not able to imagine something similar happen these days – at leasst not in Greece.  For something like this to happen, it takes people who think, who care. Who love their country. Who are willing to change something , to make sacrifices in order to achieve a better tomorrow.

What is left of that spirit today?  What?! As sad as it makes me to think of those lives lost because of stupid and pointless political games. It makes me even more sad to think, that if we had a dictatorship upon us right now, nobody would do anything against it.

Wrong. People would react. They would use guns and burn things down and achieve nothing. Instead everything would be worse, because there would be even more violence and even less being united!

I don’t know how it could happen or who is to blame, but it’s tragic, what society has become.

=^.^= Koneko.

What caught my eye today: it is so amusing when people on the bus wait, finger on the button, for the exact! right moment to press ste stop signal – I do it too :D